Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What medical technology and medical advances do you see happing in 15 to 20 years from now?

technology on The Confusing World of Technology | Spilt inc.
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Like what cutting edge medical technology and medical advances do you see coming out ?

Media does talk about this.

Improvements take either the form of either; 1. increasing the sophistication of existing knowledge or, 2. making existing technology much cheaper and more accessible. I think its clear that number 2 is inevitable which means more people will benefit from what we can do today.

Technology that depends purely on electronics and engineering, judging by past performance, has to get better and better. Compare you mobile phone of today with what you used 5 years ago. I think we are quite good at taking expensive and uncomfortable diagnostic procedures and making them more user-friendly.

Understanding the way the human body works about what we can do to control it, is a much harder cookie to crack. It takes at least 15-20 years for medical tech in the laboratory to meet with real people. So..... what are we working on today? Its realistic that we be able to tackle more illnesses but in my opinion, greater life expectancy and quality of life is achieved by improving the way we live. Current wisdom tells us that we should; live in a reasonably clean environment, eat sensibly, not smoke, not be too promiscuous..... I think that will still be the case 100 years from now.

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